CGVC Tree Permit Decision Reports: Appeals by 3 May

Tree Removal
YELLOW: A lot (25) of trees are being removed from the lot. It is unclear from the application what species of palms and sizes are to be removed. It appears the applicant wishes to clear the entire lot and start over. We encourage the applicant to save the larger royal palms, at least by relocation. We also strongly encourage the applicant to relocate the smaller palms.
Tree Mitigation
YELLOW: The mitigation plan appears adequate in number (a total of 29 trees to be planted), but it does not provide sufficient information. We are only told that 13 'hardwood' trees and 16 palms will be planted. We would be happy to work with the applicant to choose trees of appropriate native species and size to restore the neighborhood canopy cover they have removed - and even to enhance it!
DO NOT APPEAL: The application is probably not worth an appeal given the exorbitant current appeal costs; but we request the owner consider the size and species of the proposed plantings, in addition to palm relocations and additional plantings. We will be pleased to consult free of charge.