CGVC Tree Permit Decision Reports: Introduction

These reports are provided by the Environmental Committee of the Coconut Grove Village Council to assist residents in understanding and evaluating proposed changes to our neighborhood’s tree canopy. Analyses represent evaluations led by Dr. Chris Baraloto, Director of the International Center for Tropical Botany at The Kampong and Vice-Chair of the Coconut Grove Village Council.

We are excited to be collaborating with the Coconut Grove Spotlight to deliver this information to a broader audience. It can also be found on our new website

Our comments are simplified with color codes on three subjects – the removal/relocation of a tree; the proposed mitigation; and a recommendation on the overall application.
Each week, we will provide updated evaluations of new intended decisions in Coconut Grove (generally appearing on Tuesday). 

The full list of intended decisions can be found at
The appeals process is described at
If you would like to request the support of the Coconut Grove Village Council in filing an appeal, or if you would like more information, please contact